LINDA HAMILTON creates simple, stunning aesthetics perfectly suited for a suite in Morocco or a living room in Sonoma. Inspired by natural materials and rich textures, she breathes worldly sophistication into everything she does. And she does a lot. After studying art, architecture, and interior architecture at California College of the Arts, she segued her time working for a high profile design firm into developing an internationally recognized presence. She started Bali-based Budiasa, which was featured in showrooms like De Sousa Hughes (San Francisco), Mirak (Los Angeles), and Thomas Job (Chicago). The Bali bombing of 2002 derailed her plans of growing deeper roots in Indonesia, but she recognized creative opportunities in the dusty desert town of Todos Santos. There, she designed and built her dream home – the aptly named Casa Linda – and opened Nomad Chic, a shop serving up her trademark style of global fusion and effortless cool. Perched in the heart of town, Nomad Chic is the calling card for everything Hamilton is. The shop is carefully curated with designers, artists, and brands found in the furthest corners of the globe, as well as Nomad Chic pieces conceived and designed by Hamilton herself. When she’s not roaming the world in search of new treasures, she’s hosting fashion shows, throwing dinner parties, or infusing new spaces with her elevated vision. She’s sipping champagne beneath a disco ball and she wants everyone to join her. Call her a traveler, call her an entrepreneur, call her a philanthropist, call her a nomad. Just don’t call her over if you’re out of tequila.


What guides your style?
The past, anything classic, Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot, St. Tropez.

What’s your dream space?
Casa Linda, Como Shambala (cocktails near the river), the living room at Azzouna 13, the rooftop at El Fenn.

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from your travels?Talk to strangers... Don’t talk to strangers.

If you were a cocktail, what would you be?
Mezcal Paloma – citrus fresh…salty…smoky…

It’s the last scene in your life movie. The camera is panning out, the world is coming into view, and you’ve landed here:
Bali, Marrakech or Lima.

Sign: Leo
Favorite Color: Black
#1 destination on Bucket List: Istanbul
Favorite Place on Earth: Bali or Marrakech


Bay Area born and bred, Nicole puts the “California girl” in Baja California. She met Linda after returning from a long travel stint; the two bonded over their love of Canggu and Marrakech and the rest is history. Her favorite color is violet, she moonlights as a songbird, and she relishes in a good turn of phrase. Few things delight her more than driving through the desert at sunset or a good outdoor shower.

What’s your scent?
Fresh jasmine, coconut oil, Tom Ford Orchid Soleil.

What guides your style?
Uber femininity with a bit of edge. I love the overt sensuality of Brigitte Bardot and Dolce & Gabbana; pair that with some rhinestone cowgirl and a hint of punk rock, and you’ll start getting it. 

What cocktail would you be?
Spicy mezcal margarita – a bit sweet, a bit sultry, with a definite kick. 

Sign: Leo
Favorite Color: Violet
#1 destination on Bucket List: Greek Islands
Favorite Place on Earth: Bali, Baja, or Lake Tahoe on a clear summer evening

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An even more accurate title? “Chief Always Saves the Day and Amazes Officer.” Livio was born in Lima, Peru, but he met Linda when they both were living in the northern Bay Area. It’s hard to overstate Livio’s impact on the shop, surprising even himself. He’s proven to be a real Renaissance man, capable of surfing, fixing, and selling all in one short Todos Santos day. 

How did growing up in Lima shape you? 
It gave me the love of the ocean and the desire to surf in different parts of it.

What cocktail are you?
Coke Zero 

Sign: Virgo

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Her title, of course, is a bit tongue and cheek, but it’s also the truth! As Linda’s daughter, Audrey has inherited the Nomad Chic lifestyle. From her childhood in Todos Santos to helping run the Sonoma shop to chasing her own dreams in faroff locales, she’s an unofficial mascot for the shop. Currently a student in London, she supports us from afar with her beautiful drawings, sleek graphic design, and brand ideations. 

You get a call inviting you to hop on a private jet to Ibiza. Plane leaves in an hour. What are you throwing into your carry-on??
~ Frankie Bikini~ Chanel sunglasses~ OAS Odilia Terry Dress~ Black Flip Flops~ Loving Tan Drops~ Pat McGrath lip gloss~ Passport

What cocktail would you be?
Espresso Martini or Whiskey Sour

Sign: Scorpio
Favorite Color: Butter Yellow
#1 destination on Bucket List:  Brazil
Favorite Place on Earth: London (for now!)

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Born and raised in a small town outside of Fort Worth, Texas, Janna feels a deep attachment to her roots: "You really form a bond with your community when it's that small." Luckily for us, she spent the last twelve years vacationing in Todos Santos, and Nomad Chic was always on her itinerary; now that she calls Baja home, she's excited to share the experience with others. You'll never catch her without an amazing pair of shoes on (all the better for adventuring in!).

What’s your favorite travel memory?Piling in the station wagon as kids, and driving and camping thru New Mexico and Colorado.

What’s your dream space?
Waking up to the mountains on one side and ocean on the other.

You get a call inviting you to hop on a private jet to Ibiza. Plane leaves in an hour. What are you throwing into your carry-on?
Nothing! I’d go with only the clothing on my back and an empty bag to hold all the memories.

If you were a cocktail, what would you be?
A glass of red wine.

Sign: Libra
#1 Destination on Bucket List: Peru
Favorite Place: Santa Fe, NM



Amanda joined the Nomad Chic team as a longtime admirer and patron of the shop: “Treasures worthy of being tucked in a carry-on are found in every corner!” She’s our first team member with East Coast roots; born in Boston and raised in New Hampshire, she credits her idyllic upbringing with her general appreciation of nature and quality of life. With a background in high-end furniture and startups, she brings passion and experience to the team and to our burgeoning Nomad Chic Loft.

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?
My husband and I eloped in 2016 & spent a month traveling Sri Lanka. A visually stunning place with the kindest people, but side note: driving there was so wild & potentially hazardous it felt like being inside a video game.

Describe a favorite travel memory.
- A trip to New Zealand at 22 with a great childhood friend. From sipping sauvignon blanc in Napier to dipping a toe in Queenstown’s adventure sports, spending time on the other side of the world made us grow up a little & we had a blast in the process.
- On an Air India flight flight from Mumbai to New York in 2013, I met our pilot over sparkling water in the back of the plane. He asked if I wanted to ‘sit up front’ which I took to mean a bump to first class, so I was surprised to be let into the cockpit! I sat in the jump seat for the next few hours while he and his co-pilot chain smoked cigarettes, drank immense amounts of of coffee, we talked about our lives and glided above Greenland.

If you were a cocktail, what would you be?
St. Germain Spritz. Light, refreshing with a citrus twist.

Sign: Aquarius
Favorite color: Pool blue
#1 Destination on Bucket List: Japan
Favorite Place: Baja, Tofino, Portugal