We've had a crush on Yolanda Edwards and her publication YOLO for years. Since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we're channeling her vibes and posting our official Bucket List (let's call it, The Yolo List) of 2022.
The Nomad Chic Yolo List '22
1. Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Pichu
2. Watch the Changing of the Guard in London
Release baby turtles into the ocean
4. Adopt an animal from a shelter
5. Throw tomatoes at La Tomatina in Spain
Experience Istanbul’s Call to Prayer at the Blue Mosque
Sunbathe topless on the French Riviera like we did in the 80's
8. Sleep in an ice hotel
9. Return to Africa and go on Safari
10. Cook with Mimi Thorrison (again!)
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