Introducing Mujeres
Our new series celebrating women who inspire us.
Christine Bennett

Photo Courtesy of Christine Bennett
Not long ago, a friend here in Baja told me I had to meet with Christine to see her collection of linen clothing. What started as a trial for a few Jude & Layla pieces turned into it becoming the shop's most popular brand; the quality of the linen, mohair, and cashmere is nearly impossible to find here. Christine creates amazing pieces and I'm grateful to work with and know her." - Linda
What do you identify as (photographer, designer, artist, dreamweaver, etc- no limits!):
A designer and decorator.
What's a favorite memory from your childhood?
Summers spent with family at our oceanside cottage in the Maritimes.
What propels you forward in life?
Creating. Whether it's designing a new garment or decorating a home, creating is the ultimate inspiration.
What calms your soul in moments of uncertainty?
My core group of friends and family. If I'm dealing with doubt or uncertainty, speaking with them helps put things into perspective. They always remind me what really matters.
What city or place best encapsulates who you are?
What's your all-time favorite piece of advice/quote?
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style”. - Maya Angelou
Who are a few "mujeres" you admire?
My sister, Cindy Shockey, who is a furniture designer and decorator. She is incredibly talented, humble, and hard working. Also, Linda from Nomad Chic! She is one of the hardest working people I know, and is the creative and business mind behind an iconic boutique.
Who would you want to have drinks with and where?
Maya Angelou in New York City.
What would you tell your younger self about life and the road ahead?
To trust and believe in myself; self-doubt accomplishes nothing. If I work hard, follow my passions, and always lead with integrity, things will work out.

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